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Arnold Analytics
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Form components
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List this form on the
site homepage
Status of this form
Closing a form prevents any further submissions by any users.
Redirection location
Confirmation page
Custom URL:
Choose where to redirect the user upon successful submission. The
Custom URL
option supports Webform token replacements.
Browse available tokens.
Confirmation message
<p>Thank you for your feedback!</p><p>Kind regards</p><p>Arne Govaerts</p><div id="ConnectiveDocSignExtentionInstalled" data-extension-version="1.0.4"> </div>
Basic HTML
Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <pre> <img> <ul> <ol> <li> <p> <br> <div> <!-->
Confirmation message
field supports Webform token replacements.
Browse available tokens.
Total submissions limit
Limit to
total submission(s)
every hour
every day
every week
Per user submission limit
Limit each user to
every hour
every day
every week
Next submission number
The value of the next submission number. This is usually 1 when you start and will go up with each form submission.
Spam control
Basic bot protection
Basic bot protection is always enabled, which stops obvious spam posts and rapid submissions.
Advanced bot protection
Advanced bot protection prevents the majority of automated spam posts. This method requires users to have JavaScript to submit the form.
Require all users to pass a
captcha test
where they enter a pair of words to match an image. Only use this option if you are receiving a lot of spam, as it inconviences users and may reduce completion rates. Also requires JavaScript.
Submit button label
By default the submit button on this form will have the label
. Enter a new title here to override the default.
Progress bar
Progress bar style
Show progress bar
Show page number as number of completed (i.e. Page 1 of 10)
Show percentage completed (i.e. 10%)
Show page labels from page break components
Include confirmation page in progress bar
Choose how the progress bar should be displayed for multi-page forms.
First page label
The first page label in the progress bar. Subseqent pages are titled by their page break label.
Confirmation page label
Preview page
Enable preview page
Add a page for previewing the form before submitting.
Preview page title
The page title will be used in the progress bar (if enabled). If left blank, the default title
will be used.
Preview button label
The text for the button that will proceed to the preview page. If left blank, the default label
will be used.
Previous page button label
The text for the button to go backwards from the preview page. If left blank, the default label
< Previous
will be used.
Preview message
<p> </p><div id="ConnectiveDocSignExtentionInstalled" data-extension-version="1.0.4"> </div>
Basic HTML
Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically.
Lines and paragraphs break automatically.
Allowed HTML tags: <a> <em> <strong> <blockquote> <cite> <code> <pre> <img> <ul> <ol> <li> <p> <br> <div> <!-->
A message to be displayed on the preview page. If left blank, the message "Please review your submission. Your submission is not complete until you press the "Send" button!" will be used. Supports Webform token replacements.
Browse available tokens.
Included preview values
If you wish to include only parts of the submission in the preview, select the components that should be included.
Include all components
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Something to add?